Local food – why and how?

I am a big supporter of local food movements. Consuming local foods, allows local economies to flourish, supports local farmers and is totally affordable. Sustainable food systems are vital for enhancing well-being and livelihoods and eating locally plays a huge role in a sustainable future. It also encourages diets high in fresh food and allows people to reconnect with where their food comes from.

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Local food spends less time from farm to transit. The National Farmers’ Retail and Markets Association defines local as the radius from the market, 30 miles being ideal and 50 miles for larger cities and coastal towns or remote villages. It is fresher as it has less time to spoil, healthier as it loses fewer nutrients and just tastes better.
Buying locally generates money for your local economy. This means that there is more local jobs and ownership. Investing within your community protects its future and funds the bettering of your public services.
Local purchases also reduce transportation time which has environmental benefits such as less pollution, congestion and habitat loss.
Local food creates more resilient food networks and promotes self-reliance. It can utilise the culture and heritage in your area which can be a pull for tourists and create community events such as food fairs.

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So, how do you buy local food?
Depending on where you live this can be an easy task or a little more challenging. However, you can rely on the fact that there will always be local produce around if you know how to find it.
You can find local produce in;
• Community gardens and community supported agriculture

• Farm shops

• Farmers markets

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• Independent shops

• Local supermarkets (if you’re lucky – check the origin of the food on the packaging).

• The internet can be your best friend by finding lots of outlets, this can be done on websites such as Big Barn.

• Box schemes contain seasonal fruit and veg delivered to your door and are great for supporting local food schemes, the Soil Association are great for helping you find a local box.

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• Pick Your Own (PYO) farms are a great way to get the freshest food possible, whilst picking how much food you require, you can have a bit of fun too! Have a look for a local self-picking farm on Pick Your Own Farms.

• If you are a fan of your beer you can still stay local by going micro. Utilizing local micro-breweries are a great way to support small local businesses and try new beers in a different environment.

Buying locally requires organisation and planning so do some research prior to setting out to find your local produce.
Buying locally means eating what is in season and produced locally depending on your climate, soils etc. Therefore, be prepared to make dishes from seasonal food and plan how much food you will need to last you until your next shop.

So, have a look around for some local produce and give it a try. You will be eating tastier and healthier food whilst having a positive impact both locally and for the world!

I hope that this post gave you an insight into the whys and hows of local foods and that you will consider searching for your local outlets to get eating for you, your community and the world! Thank you for reading,

*Whilst the websites included are for the United Kingdom, there are many alternatives for most countries and I am more than happy to help you find them if you would like to email me.


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